Friday, April 24, 2009


The good and the bad things about 'bekam'
A closer look at the "wet cupping" technique, which lasts for about 20 to 40 minutes and involves pricks to let "bad" blood out. (JP/Vennilla Rajaguru)
Ani feels bekam is the best treatment ever for her gastritis. The 35-year-old mother says she has tried conventional allopathic medicines, but to no effect. After trying bekam, a popular alternative health treatment which uses the "cupping" method, she feels good.
Four months after beginning the therapy, her stomach problems are almost cured.
She neither groaned nor complained of pain during the 40-minute procedure, even though the skin of her upper back was being forced into cups through suction, and blood released via tiny incisions made in the folds of skin.
After the therapy was over, she said she only felt ant-bite-like-sensations but was definitely relieved of her stomach pain as if she had burped out the gas. She also claimed she felt much lighter than before the cupping.
Ani says she recommends the bekam procedure to her teenage children for treating the flu as well as for general well-being.
She and other patients queuing at a South Jakarta Bekam Clinic said many mothers also take chilren as young as six years for bekam to recover from the flu, a cough, bronchitis and asthma.
Another patient, Idham, said bekam was "effective". The 70-year-old is being treated for prostrate hypertrophy, and says he gladly recommends the treatment to his wife, children and friends. He feels better and relieved of pain after the therapy.
To those unfamiliar with the practice of bekam, questions undoubtedly arise surrounding its method of healing.
People often wonder whether the healing effect of bekam is psychologically or scientifically proven, or whether it is a faith healing practice or a therapy. The key question is whether bekam is a scientifically proven medical treatment?
Three broad types of bekam treatment are currently being practiced at various clinics, with or without the direct supervision of a qualified general practitioner or bekam medical professional.
A visit to Rumah Sehat Afiat clinic, as recommended by Persahabatan hospital, turned out to be very informative and thought provoking.
According to the clinic's chief, Mohammad Ali Toha Assegaf, a reputed general practitioner with many years of experience in the practice and research of bekam, there are three kinds of bekam.
"The three are dry cupping, wet cupping and aggressive cupping. There is no blood burst or blood flowing in the dry method. But in the other two types of bekam, the infected or diseased blood is drained out.
A patient undergoes bekam, an alternative health treatment that uses a "cupping" method in a clinic in south Jakarta. Many claim to feel revitalized after the treatment despite the absence of standardized training in its theory and practice. (JP/Vennilla)
"Among the three, the most effective is wet cupping," said Assegaf, who only treats his patients by wet cupping.
All three types involve transparent plastic cups or bio magnetic cups being attached to the skin of an affected area of the body.
The diameter of these cups varies from 2 centimeter for facial cupping to 5.8 centimeter for back or belly cupping. The person administering the cups on the body is generally called a tukang, which is translated by the doctor as a "therapist".
Standards of administering the "cupping" vary within these three methods of practice and depend on the therapists' training and knowledge of the human anatomy.
The "suction effect" of the cups on the skin can be induced either by using a vacuum pump or by burning alcohol or eucalyptus oil in the cups. Once the cups are attached, they are left in position on the affected area of the body for between five and 20 minutes.
"The wet cupping procedure usually lasts 20 to 40 minutes and in some chronic cases much longer due to the number of acupuncture pricks and incisions being made and the time allowed for blood to flow out," Assegaf said.
The blood flooding into the cups is widely believed to be "bad", "dirty" or "infected" blood.
The darker or browner the blood, the longer it is allowed to flow out until the therapist can detect fresh red blood entering the cup. Ascertaining when fresh blood is entering the cup before becoming mixed in with the brown blood can be a tricky task.
Once the bright red blood can be seen, the cups are removed and the bruised skin wiped dry with an antiseptic such as Betadine.
The visible reddish or blue-black marks take about two weeks to fade. Bekam is usually performed on patients every two weeks, so the marks normally remain as long as the therapy continues.
Recently, news spread of blue-black circular cupping marks becoming something of a Hollywood celebrity fashion, as revealed by Gwyneth Paltrow and Britney Spears while wearing backless dresses.
There is of course a danger to health, such as the possibility of constricted blood flow in sensitive tissue areas, muscle trauma (contrary to the expected re-energized blood circulation), high risk of skin lesion and infection, possible addiction to the procedure, or confusing bekam as a popular fashion statement or alternative to temporary tattoos.
When administered correctly, the cupping method aligned to the acupuncture points of the anatomy will bring healing, according to doctors and patients.
Bekam is more than faith healing. Historically, it evolved as a systematic offshoot of acupuncture and today is practiced as a therapeutic treatment. What needs to be determined is how "effective" bekam is for each patient.
Another point for investigation is whether bekam can cure all diseases. And, is it the alternative therapy when all else fails for any ill patient?
Contrary to popular belief, even among his patients, Assegaf said that "bekam does not cure all diseases".
Even when bekam is part of the cure, he said it was "a complimentary process" to herbal remedies, herbal tablets and tonics, and lifestyle change in the dietary habits of his patients". This is a very important medical point that some people tend to ignore.
Assegaf insisted that patients must consult a physician about their ailments before they resort to bekam.
He is aware that in many bekam clinics patients do not consult doctors and instead rely on the therapists' advice. There are few medically trained doctors with bekam knowledge and interest, and not all bekam clinics are certified for practice.
He said that despite the widespread belief in bekam across Indonesia, there is no accredited academic course or academy offering training in bekam practices.
This lack of standardized training in bekam theory and practice raises many questions, such as how reliable local clinics are and how scientific and accurate their procedures are. Perhaps there are some bekam patients who suffer more from the treatment than they did their original ailment.
Answering the above questions is indeed the subject of a much required survey.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


What's that stuff you're drinking?
It looks like tea. Is it?"
"Well, technically, Yes. It's kombucha."
"How do you say that again?"
"It's pronounced, 'cuhm-boo-cha'."
Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with tea--usually black, sugar, water, and a kombucha "mushroom."The mushroom isn't an actual mushroom, it just resembles the shape of the cap. The kombucha mushroom is a living organism which grows and reproduces itself, feeding off the small amount of sugar in the tea, and in the process ferments the beverage. It is combination of healthy bacteria and yeasts। The final product, kombucha, is reported to have beneficial types of acids, enzymes, and vitamins. It is usually drunk for health reasons, but lately has become a contemporary household drink.
The origins of kombucha lie in Asia, between Russia and Japan, where it has been drunk for centuries। The Russians refer to the beverage as "kvass।" Whereas "cha" in Japanese means tea।
Some folks make their own at home and sell the reproduced kombucha mushrooms on Ebay। Most consumers purchase the kombucha from a reputable bottler.
Safety and contamination
As with all foods, care must be taken during preparation and storage to prevent contamination. Keeping the kombucha brew safe and contamination-free is a concern to many home brewers. Key components of food safety when brewing kombucha include clean environment, proper temperature, and low pH.
There is a low rate of homebrew contamination which might be explained by protective mechanisms, such as formation of organic acids and antibiotic substances. Thus, subjects with a healthy metabolism do not need to be advised against cultivating Kombucha. However, those suffering from immunosuppression should preferably consume controlled commercial Kombucha beverages.[15]
In every step of the preparation process, it is important that hands and utensils (anything that is going to come into contact with the culture) are dish soap clean so as not to contaminate the kombucha. Kombucha becomes very acidic (in the neighborhood of pH 3.0 when finished) and so can leach unwanted and potentially toxic material from the container in which it is fermenting. Food-grade glass is very safe. Gunther Frank says on his website [16] that besides glass, acceptable containers include china, glazed (without lead) earthenware, stainless steel and food-grade high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Keeping cultures covered and in a clean environment also reduces the risk of introducing contaminants and bacteria.

Mold contamination on the culture surface.
Maintaining a correct pH is an important factor in a home-brew. Acidic conditions are favorable for the growth of the kombucha culture, and inhibit the growth of molds and bacteria. The pH of the kombucha batch should be between 2.5 and [3] 4.5. A pH of less than 2.5 makes the drink too acidic for human consumption, while a pH greater than 4.5 increases the risk of contamination. Use of fresh "starter tea" and/or vinegar can be used to control pH. Some brewers test the pH at the beginning and the end of the brewing cycle to ensure that the correct pH is achieved.
If mold does grow on the surface of the kombucha pellicle, or "mushroom," it is best to throw out the batch and start
Kombucha (cairan jamur teh) adalah salah satu probiotik yang mulai populer pada tahun 2002। Baik di negara-negara Asia seperti Indonesia, Malaysia dan China, maupun di negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika। Cara PembuatanKombucha diperoleh dengan memeram air teh manis yang ditambahi biang jamur. Jamur teh penghasil cairan Kombucha adalah campuran beberapa mikroba berupa bakteri dan ragi yang tidak berbahaya, antara lain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida validda, Candida lambia dan Pichia fermentans.Jamur yang terbentuk terdiri dari gelatinoid serta membrane jamur yang liat berbentuk piringan bulat. Dengan nustrisi teh-manis yang rutin diberikan, jamur akan tumbuh secara berulang sehingga membentuk susunan piringan berlapis. Piringan pertama akan tumbuh pada lapisanpaling atas yang akan memenuhi lapisan, kemudian disusul oleh pertumbuhan piringan berlapis-lapis dibawahnya yang akan menebal. Bila dirawat secara benar, maka jamur ini akan tumbuh pesat dan sehat, sehingga akan awet.KhasiatMajalah The American Raum & Zeit yang terbit di Munt Vernon, Amerika, dalam edisi nomor 5/Volume 2/1991, halaman 51-56, memaparkan khasiat teh Kombucha yang dikemukakan sejumlah ahli. Bacinskaja (1914), menyatakan bahwa minuman ini efektif untuk kegiatan perut serta usus, khususnya pada bagian pembuangan. Professor S. Bazarewski, dalam suatu laporan di "Correspondence for the Association of Nature Researchers in Riga" (1915), mengatakanbahwa sebagian penduduk Latvia di Propinsi Rusia Baltic, yaitu di Livland dan Kurland, mempunyai obat tradisional yang bernama "Brinum Ssene" yang secara harfiah diterjemahkan sebagai "Jamur Ajaib". Penduduk Latvia menggambarkan jamur ini sebagai "Suatu kekuatanpenyembuhan yang ajaib untuk berbagai macam penyakit". Beberapa orang penduduk yang ditanyai oleh Bazarewski menyatakan bahwa jamur ini bisa menyembuhkan pusing kepala, bahkan `'sangat berguna dalam menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit".Prof. B. Lindner (1917-1918) melaporkan bahwa jamur ini kebanyakan digunakan sebagai pengatur (regulator) atau untuk penyembuh aktivitas organ pencernaan yang kurang baik jalannya. Demikian juga halnya dengan pembengkakan disekitar dubur atau anus dapat disembuhkan seperti wasir atau ambei.Ketua Councilor Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kobert (1917-18) mendapatkan bahwa "jamur ini juga, secara pasti, adalah obat untuk encok atau rematik pada persendian". Demikian pula Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Henneberg (1926) melaporkan bahwa minuman yang dibuat dari jamur ini, yang di Rusia dinamai "Tea Kwass", digunakan sebagai obat penyembuh berbagai penyakit, terutama untuk sembelit.Sesuai dengan uraian Dr. Madaus didalam "Seni Penyembuhan secara Biologis" (1927), bahwa jamur tersebut dengan produk-produk metabolismenya, mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam pembentukan dinding-dinding sel baru pada proses regenerasi sel, dan dengan begitu merupakan alat penyembuh yang sangat baik bagi arteriosclerosis atau pengerasan pembuluh darah yang disebabkan oleh endapan cholesterol maupun kapur.Dr. Maxim Bing (1928) merekomendasikan Kombucha Tea sebagai "penyembuh efektif untuk Arteriosclerosis, gout serta gangguan alat-alat pencernaan. Dr E Arauner (1929) menyimpulkan: "... bisa dikatakan bahwa Kombucha atau ekstraknya, merupakan pencegah yang sangat bagus terhadap diabetes, namun khusus terhadap masalah ketuaan seperti arterioschlerosis, tekanan darah tinggi dengan konsekwensi pusing kepala, gout, hemorrhoids atau peradangan sekitar dubur. Paling tidak Kombucha ini adalah pelancar buang air besar yang bagus." Hans Irion, Direktur dari Akademi Ilmu Kimia Negara yang tersohor di Braunschweig menyatakan dalam "Pelajaran untuk Ahli Farmasi Khusus" (1944, Vol. 2, hal. 405): "Dengan meminum minuman yang dinamai Teakwass, maka akan terjadi perubahan dalam penguatan kelenjar-kelenjar serta peningkatan metabolisme tubuh. Teakwass direkomendasikan sebagai penyembuh yang sangat bagus bagi penyakit-penyakit gout, rematik, furunkolosis, arterio-sclerosis, tekanan darah tinggi, kegelisahan atau nervousness, perbaikan alat-alat pencernaan serta pelancar buang air besar, serta berbagai macam penyakat penuaan....''Ahli Penyembuh Alamiah A.J.Lodewijkx dari Ermelo, Netherlands, menulis tentang Kombucha dalam bukunya Life Without Cancer: "Jamur Teh Kombucha mushroom mempunyai unsur-unsur antiseptik yang kuat. Teh ini membersihkan system kelenjar tubuh serta meningkatkan systempembuangan racun; asam uric dinetralisir dan dihilangkan oleh Kombucha tea. Maka dari itu, teh ini merupakan penyembuh yang sangat bagus bagi penyakit gout, rheumatik, arthritis, kidney stones atau batu ginjal, intestinal dysbacteria, terutama cancer pada tahap awal karena Kombucha mushroom akan menjadi unsur penghenti yang sangat kuat pada penyakit atau disebut sebagai endobionts....''
* Mengobati sembelit
* Memperbaiki kondisi tubuh
* Bermanfaat melawan arteriosclerosis
* Memulihkan fungsi alat pencernaan
* Bermanfaat bagi penderita stres mental
* Menawarkan racun
* Membunuh kanker
* Menyembuhkan rematik, encok
* Untuk kecantikan : lebih segar, muda
* Mencegah dan mengobati influenza
* Mengobati asam urat, dan darah tinggi
* melindungi hati dari radang karena virus, bakteri atau kerusakan karena obat dan bahan kimia yang bersifat toksik,
* dapat menurunkan kadar enzim-enzim yang berpengaruh pada fungsi sel hati
* pembengkakan disekitar dubur atau anus dapat disembuhkan seperti wasir atau ambean
* mangurangi berat badan
* melancarkan ASI
* alat penyembuh yang sangat baik bagi arteriosclerosis atau pengerasan pembuluh darah yang disebabkan oleh endapan cholesterol maupun kapur.
* merupakan penyembuh yang sangat bagus bagi penyakit gout, arthritis, kidney stones atau batu ginjal, intestinal
PEMESANAN & Keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi : 031 60608326


Allah menciptakan wanita sangat Istimewa. Allah kuatkan bahunya untuk menyanggah dunia, Allah lembutkan hatinya untuk memberi rasa aman, Allah kuatkan rahimnya untuk melahirkan benih manusia, Allah beri ketabahan padanya untuk terus berjuang saat kita mau menyerah/putus asa. Mengapa Wanita mudah menangis? Karena Allah memberi dia air mata yang sewaktu-waktu dia gunakan untuk mengobati batinnya dan memberi kekuatan............